Is Cloudflare a Hosting Provider?

Cloudflare doesn’t provide hosting services. It is a content delivery network (CDN) that helps speed up the loading of web pages by caching static assets and delivering them from servers located close to the user. It also offers a suite of security features, including protection against DDoS attacks. Although Cloudflare doesn’t offer hosting services, you … Read more

Does a VPN Work on Cellular Data?

A VPN works on cellular data just like it does with Wi-Fi. All you need is an active data connection from your carrier to connect to the VPN server. The same is true for mobile hotspots. You can use a VPN on both Android and iOS devices by setting up the VPN directly on your … Read more

Categories VPN

Can I Use a VPN without an Internet Connection?

You cannot use a VPN without an internet connection. There is no way to connect to a VPN server without an internet connection and create an encrypted tunnel. Even if you could find a way to connect to a VPN server without an internet connection, it would be pointless because there would be no way … Read more

Categories VPN

Can You Be Tracked with a VPN?

It is hard but not impossible to track your activities if the VPN provider monitors traffic at the VPN server. Moreover, you can be tracked if the VPN provider keeps logs or if they are hacked. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are a popular way to boost privacy and security online. Many are unsure if their … Read more

Categories VPN

.co vs .com – Which One Should You Use?

The .com domain is more reputable than .co, but it can be harder to find a .com domain name that’s available for the preferred name. As the .com is more popular and reliable, it should be your first choice when looking for a web address. Only consider a .co if the .com your preferred name … Read more

Who Invented Computer Software?

In the early twentieth century, a group of scientists and mathematicians developed complex algorithms used to solve problems in mathematics and science. In 1935, Alan Turing crafted the first theory of software. He published “On Computable Numbers” with Christopher Strachey, outlining his ideas on programming machines for mathematical calculations. Tom Kilburn, a computer scientist from … Read more

Is Elasticsearch a Database?

Elasticsearch is a database, but it’s different from the ones you’re probably used to. It is an open-source distributed search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene. Whereas a traditional database is optimized for storing and retrieving data, Elasticsearch is optimized for searching it. Elasticsearch is an excellent choice for applications needing full-text search or … Read more

Who Are The Primary Users of ERP Systems?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are used by businesses to manage their operations. While there are many different types of ERP systems, they all have the same goal: to improve efficiency and communication within the organization. ERP is useful for businesses of all sizes, but some users benefit more than others. Here are some of … Read more

What Does ErP Ready Mean in BIOS?

You have bought a new computer and found something saying “ErP Ready” in the bios. What does that mean, and should you care? ErP stands for energy-using Product. The European Union regulates it to ensure all systems sold within their borders meet specific power consumption standards. What’s the impact on an average consumer? ErP Ready … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Software and Hardware?

Software is a set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do, whereas hardware is the physical component of a computer.  Software is intangible and consists of code. Hardware comprises tangible items such as the computer processor, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Most people think of two things when it comes to computers: software and … Read more